Data analysis and Geostatistics




Day 1:   Introduction and univariate data       Day1.pdf

  1. Short Course logistics

  2. An introduction to geostatistics

  3. What are data ?

  4. Data distributions and descriptors

See also the following external resources;

  1. BulletDouble-blind parachute testing                                external link

  2. BulletTry the 3-door problem yourself and win a car!        external link

  3. BulletLatest paper on the theory of the stork                     external link

  4. BulletExtensive description of the normal distribution        external link

  5. BulletOn the construction of cumulative frequency plots    external link

Day 2:   QA/QC, levelling, and bivariate data       Day2.pdf

  1. Univariate data visualisation and comparison

  2. Data quality assessment and control

  3. Combining and levelling datasets

  4. Bivariate data and correlation

See also the following external resources;

  1. BulletPaper introducing the concept of violin-plots             external link

  2. BulletHow to estimate precision from duplicates                 external link  

  3. BulletThe GEOREM database of SRM values                      external link

  4. BulletSpurious correlations                                                   external link

Day 3:   Statistical testing       Day3.pdf

  1. Missing values

  2. Statistical testing, hypotheses, confidence intervals

  3. Significance of correlation coefficients

  4. Z probability testing

  5. Comparing populations in normal and robust statistics

  6. ANOVA

  7. goodness-of-fit testing

See also the following external resources;

  1. BulletOnline calculator for Z-score probabilities                   external link

  2. BulletWikipedia article on statistical testing                          external link

  3. BulletOnline calculator for t-distribution values                     external link

  4. BulletOnline calculator for F-distribution values                  external link

  5. BulletOnline calculator for Chi2-distribution values             external link

Day 4:   Time series and regression analysis       Day4.pdf

  1. Systematics over time (Markov chain and randomness)

  2. Auto-correlation and cross-correlation

  3. Periodicity in time series data

  4. Linear regression models

  5. Testing regression models and assumptions

  6. Non-linear and multiple linear regression

  7. Robust regression

  8. Curve fitting

See also the following external resources;

  1. BulletWikipedia article on regression analysis                    external link

  2. BulletThe effect of uncertainty on a linear regression fit     external link

Day 5:   Discriminant analysis, clustering and vector methods     Day5.pdf

  1. Discriminant Function Analysis

  2. Hierarchical Clustering

  3. Partitioning methods, including fuzzy c-means

  4. Vector methods, PCA and FA

Day 6:   Discriminant analysis, clustering and vector methods     Day6.pdf

  1. Vector methods, PCA and FA

  2. Scree plots and varimax rotation

  3. Scores, loadings and biplot

  4. Spatial analysis of data

  5. Bubble plots

  6. Interpolation

  7. Semivariograms and kriging

See also the following external resources;

  1. BulletA great background resource on kriging                   external page

  2. BulletWikipedia article on kriging                                        external page

  3. BulletQGIS, a full-featured freeware GIS program             external page

Enclosure to collect the effluent from flotation of base-metal ores.

Copyright:     Vincent van Hinsberg & Simon Vriend

Last updated:     March 2024