M.Sc Theses
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  • SAULNIER I. (1997) Trace metal remobilization following the resuspension of Saguenay Fjord sediments. M.Sc. thesis, McGill University, 157 pp.

  • FITZPATRICK A. (1999) Adsorption of arsenate and phosphate on gibbsite from artificial seawater. M.Sc. thesis, McGill University, 110 pp.

  • PINHEIRO F. (1999) Effects of forest fires and clear-cutting on mercury loading to boreal lakes. M.Sc. thesis, McGill University, 119 pp.

  • LEDUC J. (2000) Distribution of benthic foraminiferal populations in surface sediments of he Saguenay Fjord before and after the 1996 flood. M.Sc. thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 60 pp. (co-supervision with Dr. A. deVernal/GEOTOP-UQAM).

  • POULIN P. (2002) Les isotopes du thorium et flux particulaires à la hauteur de la pycnocline dans le Fjord du Saguenay. M.Sc. thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 74 pp. (co-supervision with Dr. C. Hillaire-Marcel/GEOTOP-UQAM).

  • GARAND A. (2002) The influence of ionic strength and fluoride ion concentration on the adsorption properties of gibbsite: phosphate and arsenate adsorption. M.Sc. thesis, McGill University, 99 pp.

  • CHIEN Y.-C. (2002) The influence of ionic strength and magnesium ions on calcite crystal growth morphology. M.Sc. thesis, McGill University, 150 pp. (co-supervision with Dr. H. Vali/ McGill).