Terrestrial Planets
Winter 2021

Home I Course overview I News and highlights I Notes, materials I Lectures I Websites I Backup site 









Professor:       Olivia Jensen     ( course e-mail      web service     short bio )
TAs: Audrey, Ben, Chen, Debarati, Justin RLA: Younes
Section 001 CRN 16490
Time: 4:05 pm - 5:25 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Jan 7, 2021 - Apr 16, 2021
Place:  Macdonald Harrington Building G-10 and online via myCourses
Audio/Video files (Current sessions): See myCourses website for PowerPoint and Video formats
Audio/Video files (2019 sessions): http://lrs.mcgill.ca/ListRecordings.aspx?CourseID=20558


Adobe Acrobat reader:
The course notes are provided in PDF (Portable Document Format). Get a recent version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader for your operating system... installation is very easy.
Sentry – Earth Impact Monitoring:
The Near Earth Objects Program has been renamed to “Sentry. I shall use this link from time-to-time in the course lectures. In the meantime, you might explore it, choose an object from the list to monitor and then click on its [example following] “orbit detailsthen on “show orbit diagram.
You might be interested in a very cool open-source program called Celestia. It requires a rather “fast” computer to work well. With Celestia, you can change the laws of gravitation in order to see how orbits would be changed in different universes.
The KStars Desktop Planetarium is a nice open-source code for Linux/Unix systems running KDE (the K Desktop) or most other windowing environments. There is a free Windows 10 App available from the Microsoft Store. You may download KStars here.
Office hours are electronic!
Rather than try to maintain physical office hours that might be convenient to you, I promise to be available to help you after class each day and, better, I think, to be available to respond to your questions sent to me via e-mail. I believe that I found time to answer every student’s queries last year. If I have been unable to respond to your question after class, for a prompt response concerning the course, please use this e-mail address: terrestrial.planets@gmail.com
Quizzes and Final exams
The theme of the course has not changed but evermore new information about the Solar System and Universe has been discovered since the last version of the course. We try to keep up-to-the-minute but with a somewhat critical acceptance of the most recently published speculations. The midterm test of previous years has been replaced, now, with one longer essay option or by a series of online quizzes. The final exam will probably have a character like examinations given last year; this year 50 multiple-choice questions, 24 true-false questions, 8 short-answer questions and 1 short opinion essay/opinion question.
Getting started? Explore some other interesting and relevant WWW services:
  • Earth's Moon



LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter)


Moon Mineralogy Mapper



Clementine Mission

Ice?... on the Moon

Results from Lunar missions.

Apollo 11, first manned landing on Moon.

Apollo program story.

Grail – mapping the interior mass distribution of the Moon
  • Mars


Mars Global Surveyor

Mars Odyssey

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

Mars Science Laboratory, Curiosity
Currently geophysically and geochemically mapping the surface rocks of Mars. Its landing simulation video!



Viking Landers Missions to Mars 

Mars Pathfinder mission.

Passport to Knowledge website takes you to Mars. . ... and to explore the Solar System.
Life on Mars? Real estate values? ( Yahoo pages)
Current missions to Mars – In the summer of 2003, Mars was closer to Earth than it has been in the past 60000 years. Several missions took advantage of its proximity. Beagle/2 mission – while we still hope that the Beagle lander will be found to be functional, it seems that its Christmas day, 2006 landing failed...
Mars Express – ESA's very high resolution Mars orbiter.
Mars Exploration Rovers – A wonderfully successful mission, still on-going. The landing of the MERs... view the simulation video!
  • Venus

Magellan mission to Venus
The Soviet Union's Venera missions to Venus: 9 and other other Venera missions.
  • Mercury

Mariner 10 – 35 years ago!
Messenger -- We return to map Mercury

Other similar courses on the web 
Some useful additional materials







© Olivia Jensen, McGill University
Images: Courtesy NASA/JPL
Web concept: Witold Ciolkiewicz
updated: 2019-12-15 12:37:57