Terrestrial Planets
Winter 2021

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Professor:       Olivia Jensen     ( course e-mail      web service     short bio )
TAs: Audrey, Ben, Chen, Debarati, Justin RLA: Younes
Section 001 CRN 16490
Time: 4:05 pm - 5:25 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Jan 7, 2021 - Apr 16, 2021
Place:  Macdonald Harrington Building G-10 and online via myCourses
Audio/Video files (Current sessions): See myCourses website for PowerPoint and Video formats
Audio/Video files (2019 sessions): http://lrs.mcgill.ca/ListRecordings.aspx?CourseID=20558
This course website is also served from the encryption-secured Department of Earth and Planetary Science server: EPSC 180






© Olivia Jensen, McGill University
Images: Courtesy © NASA/JPL

Concept:: Witold Ciolkiewicz
updated: 2019-12-15 12:37:57