Terrestrial Planets
Winter 2020

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  Discussion Topics






Professor:       Olivia Jensen     ( course e-mail      web service     short bio )
TAs: Chen , Debarati, John, Kyle, Marko, Meghomita
Section 001 CRN 8453
Time: 2:35 PM – 3:55 PM Monday and Wednesday, Jan 6 – Apr 8, 2020
Place:  CMPUS1 109, 420 Sherbrooke St. West
Audio/Video files (Current sessions): http://lrs.mcgill.ca/ListRecordings.aspx?CourseID=22759
Audio/Video files (2019 sessions): http://lrs.mcgill.ca/ListRecordings.aspx?CourseID=20558

Discussion Group (2020)
Thursdays @ 17h45 in FDAdams 232: January 23 (to get started), January 30, February 13, February 27, March 19, March 26 and April 2.

April 2, 2020: Chen Shen Tracking temperature through the late Precambrian.

March 26, 2020: John Onwuemeka will lead the discussion. Topic, references and videos yet to be determined.

Meghomita Das will present on her fieldwork (structural geology and seismology) ... references to come.

March 19, 2020: Marko Kudrna-Prasek Late-heavy bombardment: "How meteorites changed the world". Some references: The Late Heavy Bombardment: A Violent Assault on Young Earth, Bombardment of the early Solar System

February 27, 2020: Debarati Das -- Chasing Water on Mars With Lasers. Water on Mars? The search for life on Mars (present or past) is one of the major goals of NASA and ESA. Water is/was critical for life as we know it . Link between groundwater and habitability on Mars. First discovery of boron on Mars:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D29hjfiSHzc More about my research & field work:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_HPGeIBFTE

February 13, 2020: Kyle Henderson will lead a discussion on the rare metals that our current economy depends upon and their availability. Are we running out? Two references: Critical Metals in Society, 35 Critical Minerals

January 30, 2020: Bring your opinions and wisdom on origins: origin of the Universe, the Solar System, life on Earth and elsewhere and be prepared to participate in a discussion. I list some short YouTube videos related to the discussion: Bang to Man, Cosmic Inflation Explained, How Cosmic Inflation Flattened the Universe ,The Many Worlds of the Quantum Multiverse , Alan Guth Explains Inflation Theory, Cosmic Inflation. How does expansion work? The Expanding Universe. You might explore YouTube videos with keywords [ Inflation, Cosmology, Alan Guth, Lawrence Krauss, origin of life on Earth and Mars, panspermia]

A major current debate in cosmology: The Cosmological Distance Ladder and the debate concerning Hubble Constant

Your discussion leaders!


   Chen             Debarati           John              Kyle              Marko          Meghomita

Who are we?

Discussion Group (2019)
Thursdays @ 17h45 in FDAdams 232: January 31, February 14, 28, March 14, 28, April 11.

Late-heavy bombardment: "How meteorites changed the world". Some references: The Late Heavy Bombardment: A Violent Assault on Young Earth, Bombardment of the early Solar System

Ben Keenan will lead the next discussion group on April 11.  Topic: Geology of Wine.  To celebrate the final session, we shall have some wines for tastings with pizza.   Students who have not participated in the Discussion Group are welcome to attend.

For March 28, 2019, Chen Shen offers to lead a discussion on "Milankovitch cycles and sedimentary strata". You might be interested in this “geological clock.

Note, there may be some room confusion because other events in the Department may have taken over room 232. Feel free to take a snack while waiting...

For March 14, 2019 (Duncan McLeish offers earth resources and mining in the 21st century - can responsible resource extracLate-heavy bombardment: "How meteorites changed the world". Some references: The Late Heavy Bombardment: A Violent Assault on Young Earth, Bombardment of the early Solar System tion help fight and mitigate the effects of climate change? “) Some references: The six natural resources most drained by our 7 billion people , Yes, humans are depleting Earth’s resources, but ‘footprint’ estimates don’t tell the full story , your Ecological Footprint, your Carbon Footprint .

For February 28, 2019: Marko Kudrna Prasek offers to lead discussion on the Late-heavy bombardment: "How meteorites changed the world". Some references: The Late Heavy Bombardment: A Violent Assault on Young Earth, Bombardment of the early Solar System

For February 14, 2019: Lise Alalouf offers to lead discussion on Marsquakes and inSight mission. The SEIS experiment is scheduled to start recording seismic waves on Mars in mid-February. Some interesting sites to explore: Sismologie planètaire , Marsquakes? , The Viking Landers (1976)

For January 31, 2019: Bring your opinions and wisdom on origins: origin of the Universe, the Solar System, life on Earth and elsewhere and be prepared to participate in a discussion. I list some short YouTube videos related to the discussion: Cosmic Inflation Explained, How Cosmic Inflation Flattened the Universe ,The Many Worlds of the Quantum Multiverse , Alan Guth Explains Inflation Theory, Cosmic Inflation. You might explore YouTube videos with keywords [ Inflation, Cosmology, Alan Guth, Lawrence Krauss, origin of life on Earth and Mars, panspermia]

You are invited to suggest topics for discussions. What topics would you like? mineral exploration?, volcanology?, seismology?, hydrology?, climate change?

Who were we?









  Discussion Topics

© Olivia Jensen, McGill University
Images: Courtesy © NASA/JPL

Concept:: Witold Ciolkiewicz
updated: 2019-12-15 12:32:25