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H.}, Title = {Plumes and hotspots as sources of greenstone belts}, Journal = {Lithos}, Volume = {37}, Pages = {113--127}, Year = {1996} } %Keywords = {hydrocarbon, cold seep, pockmark,geophysical anomaly} @incollection{abrams96, Author = {Abrams, Michael A.}, Title = {{Distribution of subsurface hydrocarbon seepage in near surface marine sediments}}, bookTitle = {Hydrocarbon migration and its near surface expression}, editor = {D. Schumacher and M. 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Barclay}, Title = {{Vein arrays and possible controls on gold mineralization on the Hammond Reef Property, Northwest Ontario}}, Institution = {Pentland Firth Ventures Ltd.}, Month = {October 30}, Year = {1996} } %Keywords = {vitrinite, temperature}, @incollection{barker86, Author = {Barker, Charles E. and Pawlewicz, Mark J.}, Title = {{The correlation of vitrinite reflectance with maximum temperature in humic organic matter}}, BookTitle = {Paleogeothermics: Evaluation of Geothermal Conditions in the Geological Past}, Editor = {Buntebarth, G. and Lefler, J.}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin/Heidelberg}, Volume = {5}, Pages = {79--93}, Year = {1986} } %Keywords = {temperature, geothermometer, vitrinite reflectance, calibration}, @incollection{barker88, Author = {Barker, Charles E.}, Title = {{Geothermics of Petroleum Systems: Implications of the stabilization of kerogen thermal maturation after a geologically brief heating duration at peak temperature}}, BookTitle = {Petroleum Systems of the United States}, Editor = {Magoon, L. 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W.}, Title = {{A review of thrust faulting in the Eastern Cape Fold Belt, South Africa, and the implications for current litostratigraphic interpretation in the Cape Supergroup}}, Journal = {Journal of African Earth Sciences}, Volume = {34}, Pages = {179--190}, Year = {2002} } @mastersthesis{borhara15, Author = {Krishna Borhara}, Title = {Assessing the role of silica gel as a fault weakening mechanism in the {Tuscarora} sandstone}, School = {Bowling Green State University}, Pages = {78}, Year = {2015} } @article{borowicz12, title={Deep-ultraviolet Raman investigation of silicon oxide: thin film on silicon substrate versus bulk material}, author={Borowicz, Pawe{\l} and Latek, Mariusz and Rzodkiewicz, Witold and {\L}aszcz, Adam and Czerwinski, Andrzej and Ratajczak, Jacek}, journal={Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology}, volume={3}, number={4}, pages={045003}, year={2012} } %Keywords = {Blake-Bahama, hydrate ridge, marine geology, methane, pore water, sulfate}, @article{borowski99, Author = {Borowski, Walter S. and Paull, Charles K. and Ussler, William III}, Title = {{Global and local variations of interstitial sulfate gradients in deep-water, continental margin sediments: Sensitivity to underlying methane and gas hydrates}}, Journal = {Marine Geology}, Volume = {159}, Pages = {131--154}, Year = {1999} } %Keywords = {experiments, friction, gouge, viscosity, frictional-viscous regime, kaolinite, halite}, @article{bos00, Author = {Bos, Bart and Peach, C. 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L.}, Title = {{Compositional and fluid pressure controls on the state of stress on the Nankai subduction thrust: A weak plate boundary}}, Journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, Volume = {214}, Pages = {589--603}, Year = {2003} } %Keywords = {costa rica, fluid flow, subduction zone, tremors, fluid pressure, Nicoya Peninsula, oost, obs, slow slip, slow earthquakes, poro-elastic}, @article{brown05, Author = {Brown, Kevin M. and Tryon, Michael D. and DeShon, Heather R. and Dorman, LeRoy M. and Schwartz, Susan }, Title = {{Correlated transient fluid pulsing and seismic tremor in the Costa Rica subduction zone}}, Journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, Volume = {238}, Pages = {189--203}, Year = {2005} } %Keywords = {benioff zone, tectonics, subduction, seismicity, earthquake location, dehydration, chlorite, serpentinite, DBZ}, @article{brudzinski07, Author = {Brudzinski, Michael R. and Thurber, Clifford H. and Hacker, Bradley R. and Engdahl, E. 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A. and Caby, R. and Bussy, F.}, Title = {{Geochemistry and $^{40}$Ar/$^{39}$Ar geochronology of pseudotachylyte associated with UHP whiteschists from the Dora Maira massif, Italy}}, Journal = {Tectonophysics}, Volume = {402}, Pages = {93--110}, Year = {2005} } @article{corfu98, Author = {Fernando Corfu and Donald W. Davis and Denver Stone and Michelle L. Moore}, Title = {{Chronostratigraphic constraints on the genesis of Archean greenstone belts, northwestern Superior Province, Ontario, Canada}}, Journal = {Precambrian Research}, Volume = {92}, Pages = {277--295}, Year = {1998} } @article{cowan74, Author = {Cowan, Darrel S.}, Title = {{Deformation and metamorphism of the Franciscan subduction zone complex northwest of Pacheco Pass, California}}, Journal = {Geological Society of America Bulletin}, Volume = {85}, Pages = {1623--1634}, Year = {1974} } @article{cowan85, Author = {Darrel S. 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A.}, Title = {{Coupled grain-scale dilatancy and mass transfer during deformation at high fluid pressures: examples from Mount Lyell, Tasmania}}, Journal = {Journal of Structural Geology}, Volume = {11}, Number = {1/2}, Pages = {147--162}, Year = {1989} } %Keywords = {fluid pressure, fault valving, veining, fluid flow, stress orientation}, @article{cox95, Author = {Cox, Stephen F.}, Title = {{Faulting processes at high fluid pressures: An example of fault valve behavior from the Wattle Gully Fault, Victoria, Australia}}, Journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, Volume = {100}, Number = {B7}, Pages = {12,841--12,859}, Year = {1995} } %Keywords = {cape fold belt, calcite, twins, veins, dwyka, structural geology}, @article{craddock07, Author = {Craddock, John P. and McKiernan, Alexander Wells and de Wit, Maarten}, Title = {{Calcite twin analysis in syntectonic calcite, Cape Fold Belt, South Africa: Implications for fold and cleavage formation within a shallow thrust front}}, Journal = {Journal of Structural Geology}, Volume = {29}, Pages = {1100--1113}, Year = {2007} } @article{craddock09, Author = {Craddock, John P. and Malone, David H. and Magloughlin, Jerry and Cook, Avery L. and Rieser, Michael E. and Doyle, James R.}, Title = {{Dynamics of the emplacement of the Heart Mountain allochthon at White Mountain: Constraints from calcite twinning strains, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, and thermodynamci calculations}}, Journal = {Geological Society of America Bulletin}, Volume = {121}, Number = {5/6}, Note = {{doi: 10.1130/B26340}}, Pages = {919--938}, Year = {2009} } %Keywords = {Naukluft, tufa, carbonate, paleo-climate, isotopes, stratigraphy, cathode luminescence, microbes}, @website{crosby08, Author = {Crosby, Benjamin T.}, Title = {{An evaluation of fossil tufa as a geochronologic and paleoclimatic tool: Naukluft Mountains, Namibia}}, Pages = {18}, Year = {Unpublished - do not reference} } %Keywords = {tectonics, plate tectonics, slab dip, age of oceans}, @article{cruciani05, Author = {Cruciani, Claudio and Carminati, Eugenio and Doglioni, Carlo}, Title = {{Slab dip vs. lithospheric age: No direct function}}, Journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, Volume = {238}, Pages = {298--310}, Year = {2005} } @incollection{cruden02, Author = {Alexander Cruden and Ken McCaffrey}, Title = {Different scaling laws for sills, laccoliths and plutons: Mechanical thresholds on roof lifting and floor depression}, Editor = {C. 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Garry Clark}, Title = {{Technical Report on the Hammond Reef Property, Thunder Bay Mining Division, Northwestern Ontario}}, Institution = {Clark Exploration Consulting}, Month = {June 15}, Note = {{Prepared for: Brett Resources Inc.}}, Year = {2006} } %Keywords = {splay, nankai, earthquakes, oost, rupture size, megathrust earthquakes}, @article{cummins01, Author = {Cummins, Phil R. and Hori, Takane and Kaneda, Yoshiyuki}, Title = {{Splay fault and megathrust earthquake slip in the Nankai Trough}}, Journal = {Earth Planets Space}, Volume = {53}, Pages = {243--248}, Year = {2001} } %Keywords = {thermal models, subduction zone, megathrust earthquakes, seismogenic zone, heat flow, Mexico}, @article{currie02, Author = {Currie, C.A. and Hyndman, Roy D. and Wang, Kellin and Kostoglodov, V.}, Title = {{Thermal models of the Mexico subduction zone: Implications for the megathrust seismogenic zone}}, Journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, Volume = {107}, Number = {B12}, Year = {2002} } @article{daily76, Author = {Daily, B. and Cooper, M. 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Uyeda}, Publisher = {Tectonophysics}, Volume = {119}, Pages = {67--88}, Year = {1985} } % Keywords = {Basin & Range, tectonics, extension, cordillera, western US, detachment, normal faulting}, @incollection{davis88, Author = {Davis, Gregory A. and Lister, G. S.}, Title = {{Detachment faulting in continental extension; Perspectives from the Southwestern U.S. Cordillera}}, Booktitle = {Processes in Continental Lithospheric Deformation: Geological Society of America Special Paper 218}, Pages = {133--159}, Year = {1988} } %Keywords = {wedge structure, accretionary prism, fluid pressure, compaction, OOST}, @incollection{davis96b, Author = {Davis, Dan M.}, Title = {{Accretionary mechanics with properties that vary in space and time}}, BookTitle = {Subduction: Top to Bottom}, Publisher = {American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph}, Volume = {96}, Pages = {39--48}, Year = {1996} } @book{davis96a, Author = {Davis, George H. and Reynolds, Stephen J.}, Title = {{Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions}}, Publisher = {John Wiley and Sons, Inc.}, Year = {1996} } @article{davis98, Author = {Davis, J. Steven and Roeske, Sarah M. and Karl, Sue M.}, Title = {{Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary transtension and strain partitioning in the Chugach accretionary complex, SE Alaska}}, Journal = {Journal of Structural Geology}, Volume = {20}, Number = {5}, Pages = {639--654}, Year = {1998} } %Keywords = {nankai, SW Japan, ODP, Shikoku, fluid pressure, seismogenic zone, subduction, silent earthquakes, updip limit, interseismic deformation}, @article{davis06, Author = {Davis, Earl E. and Becker, Keir and Wang, Kelin and Obara, Kazushige and Ito, Yoshihiro and Kinoshita, Masataka}, Title = {{A discrete episode of seismic and aseismic deformation of the Nankai trough subduction zone accretionary prism and incoming Philippine Sea plate}}, Journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, Volume = {242}, Pages = {73--84}, Year = {2006} } @article{davis08, Author = {N. E. Davis and A. K. Kronenberg and J. Newman}, Title = {Plasticity and diffusion creep of dolomite}, Journal = {Tectonophysics}, Volume = {456}, Pages = {127--146}, Year = {2008} } %Keywords = {ophiolites, california, sierra nevada, smartville, tectonics, geochronology}, @article{day04, Author = {Day, Howard W. and Bickford, M. E.}, Title = {{Tectonic setting of the Jurassic Smartville and Slate Creek complexes, northern Sierra Nevada, California}}, Journal = {Geological Society of America Bulletin}, Volume = {116}, Number = {11/12}, Pages = {1515--1528}, Year = {2004} } @article{dealmeida02, Author = {de Almeida, Delia del Pilar M. and Zerfass, Henrique and Basei, Miguel A. and Petry, Karla and Heredia Gomes, Cristiane}, Title = {{The Acampamento Velho Formation, a lower Cambrian bimodal volcanic package: Geochemical and stratigraphic studies from the Cerro Do Bugio, Perau and Serra De Santa B\'arbara (Ca\c{c}apava Do Sul, Rio Grande Do Sul, RS--Brazil}}, Journal = {Gondwana Research}, Volume = {5}, Number = {3}, Pages = {721--733} } @article{defranco06, Author = {De Franco, Roberta and Rob Govers and Rinus Wortel}, Title = {Numerical comparison of different convergent plate contacts: subduction channel and subduction fault}, Journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, Note = {{doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03498.x}}, Year = {2006} } @book{dekock34, Author = {W. P. de Kock}, Title = {{The Geology of the Western Rehoboth}}, Note = {Memoir No. 1}, Year = {1934}, Note = {{An exmplanation of Sheet F. 33 -- W. 3 (Rehoboth)}}, Publisher = {Department of Economic Affairs, Geological Survey of South West Africa}, } %doi = {doi: 10.1029/2007JB004997, 2007}, %Keywords = {wedge, work, stress, physics, oost, coulomb wedge, critical taper, underplating, frontal accretion, back thrusting}, @article{delcatello07, Author = {Del Castello, Mario and Cooke, Michele L.}, Title = {{Underthrusting-accretion cycle: Work budget as revealed by the boundary element method}}, Journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, Volume = {112}, Number = {B12404}, Year = {2007} } %Keywords = {experiments, plate tectonics, oblique rifting, pull-apart, strike-slip, strain partitioning, inversion tectonics}, @article{delventisette06, Author = {Del Ventisette, Chiara and Montanari, Domenico and Sani, Federico and Bonini, Marco}, Title = {{Basin inversion and fault reactivation in laboratory experiments}}, Journal = {Journal of Structural Geology}, Volume = {28}, Number = {11}, Pages = {2067--2083}, Year = {2006} } %Keywords = {glaciotectonics, melange, diamictite, diapirism, piedmont basin, italy, overpressure, methane, fluid pressure}, @article{delapierre, Author = {Dela Pierre, Francesco and Festa, Andrea and Irace, Andrea}, Title = {{Interaction of tectonic, sedimentary, and diapiric processes in the origin of chaotic sediments: An example from the Messinian of Torino Hill (Tertiary Piedmont Basin, northwestern Italy)}}, Journal = {Geological Society of America Bulletin}, Volume = {119}, Number = {9/10}, Pages = {1107--1119}, Year = {2007} } @article{dellepiane07, Author = {Delle Piane, Claudio and Burlini, Luigi and Grobety, Bernard}, Title = {{Reaction-induced strain localization: Torsion experiments on dolomite}}, Journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, Volume = {256}, Pages = {36--46}, Year = {2007} } @article{dellepiane08, Author = {Delle Piane, Claudio and Burlini, Luigi and Karsten Kunze and Peter Brack and Jean Pierre Burg}, Title = {Rheology of dolomite: Large strain torsion experiments and natural examples}, Journal = {Journal of Structural Geology}, Volume = {30}, Pages = {767--776}, Year = {2008} } @article{demeer02, Author = {de Meer, Siese and Spiers, Christopher J. and Peach, Colin J. and Watanabe, Tohru}, Title = {Diffusive properties of fluid-filled grain boundaries measured electrically during active pressure solution}, Journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, Volume = {200}, Pages = {147--157}, Year = {2002} } %Keywords = {aseismic slip, post-seismic slip, creep, geodetic, seismic cycle}, @article{demets97, Author = {DeMets, Charles}, Title = {{Afterslip no longer an afterthought}}, Journal = {Nature}, Volume = {386}, Pages = {549--550}, Year = {1997} } @article{demets10, Author = {Charles DeMets and Richard G. 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Kataoka}, Title = {The chemistry of 'alkali-aggregate' reaction}, Journal = {Cement and Concrete Research}, Volume = {11}, Pages = {1--9}, Year = {1981}, } @article{depaola11, Author = {De Paola, Nicola and Takehiro Hirose and Tom Mitchell and Giulio Di Toro and Cecilia Viti and Toshihiko Shimamoto}, Title = {{Fault lubrication and earthquake propagation in thermally unstable rocks}}, Journal = {Geology}, Volume = {39}, Pages = {35--38}, Note = {{doi: 10.1130/G31398.1}}, Year = {2011} } %Keywords = {structural geology, mohr circle, strain, strain ellipse, 3D, stretch}, @article{depaor88, Author = {De Paor, Declan G.}, Title = {{Strain determination from three known stretches - an exact solution}}, Journal = {Journal of Structural Geology}, Volume = {10}, Number = {6}, Pages = {639--642}, Year = {1988} } @article{depaola13, title={Nano-powder coating can make fault surfaces smooth and shiny: implications for fault mechanics?}, author={De Paola, Nicola}, journal={Geology}, volume={41}, number={6}, pages={719--720}, year={2013} } @article{depaola15, title={Can grain size sensitive flow lubricate faults during the initial stages of earthquake propagation?}, author={De Paola, Nicola and Holdsworth, Robert E and Viti, Cecilia and Collettini, Cristiano and Bullock, Rachael}, journal={Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, volume={431}, pages={48--58}, year={2015} } %Keywords = {fault rocks, fluid inclusions, fault fracture mesh, isotopes, New Zealand, earthquakes}, @article{deronde01, Author = {de Ronde, C. 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Fischer and Andrew H. Knoll}, Title = {{An iron shuttle for deepwater silica in Late Archean and early Paleoproterozoic iron formation}}, Journal = {GSA Bulletin}, Volume = {121}, Number = {1/2}, Note = {{doi: 10.1130B26328.1}}, Pages = {222--235}, Year = {2009} } %Keywords = {wedge structure, Kodiak, melange, coherent terranes, veining, fluid pressure}, @article{fisher87, Author = {Fisher, Don and Byrne, Tim}, Title = {{Structural evolution of underthrusted sediments, Kodiak Islands, Alaska}}, Journal = {Tectonics}, Volume = {6}, Number = {6}, Pages = {775--793}, Year = {1987} } %Keywords = {Kodiak, veining, cement, decollement, asperities, fault sealing, hydrofracture}, @article{fisher90a, Author = {Fisher, Don and Byrne, Tim}, Title = {{The character and distribution of mineralized fractures in the Kodiak Formation, Alaska: Implications for fluid flow in an underthrust sequence}}, Journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, Volume = {95}, Number = {B6}, Pages = {9069--9080}, Year = {1990} } %Keywords = {kodiak, strain history, wedge structure, slaty cleavage, strain shadow}, @article{fisher90b, Author = {Fisher, Don}, Title = {{Orientation history and rheology in slates, Kodiak and Afognak Islands, Alaska}}, Journal = {Journal of Structural Geology}, Volume = {12}, Number = {4}, Pages = {483--498}, Year = {1990} } %Keywords = {quartz, veining, cyclic flow, precipitation, crack-seal, Kodiak}, @article{fisher92a, Author = {Fisher, Don and Brantley, Susan L.}, Title = {{Models of quartz overgrowth and vein formation: Deformation and episodic fluid flow in an ancient subduction zone}}, Journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, Volume = {97}, Number = {B13}, Pages = {20,043--20,061}, Year = {1992} } %Keywords = {wedge structure, Kodiak, pyrite, strain shadow, noncoaxial}, @article{fisher92b, Author = {Fisher, Don and Byrne, Tim}, Title = {{Strain variations in an ancient accretionary complex: implications for forearc evolution}}, Journal = {Tectonics}, Volume = {11}, Number = {2}, Pages = {330--347}, Year = {1992} } %Keywords = {veining, fluid source, quartz, fluid flow, hydrofracture}, @article{fisher95, Author = {Fisher, Don and Brantley, Susan L. and Everett, Mark and Dzvonik, Joseph}, Title = {{Cyclic fluid flow through a regionally extensive fracture network within the Kodiak accretionary prism}}, Journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, Volume = {100}, Number = {B7}, Pages = {12,881--12,894}, Year = {1995} } %Keywords = {wedge structure, fluid flow, cyclic flow, down-dip changes}, @incollection{fisher96, Author = {Fisher, Don}, Title = {{Fabrics and veins in the forearc: A record of cyclic fluid flow at depths of <15 km}}, BookTitle = {Subduction: Top to Bottom: American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph 96}, Pages = {75--89}, Year = {1996} } %Keywords = {permeability, sandstone, fusing, fluid flow, quartz, cement, faulting, geotherm}, @article{fisher03, Author = {Fisher, Quentin J. and Casey, Martin and Harris, Simon D. and Knipe, R. J.}, Title = {{Fluid-flow properties of faults in sandstone: The importance of temperature history}}, Journal = {Geology}, Volume = {31}, Number = {11}, Pages = {965--968}, Year = {2003} } %Keywords = {gondwana, East Antarctica, antarctica, Ross Orogen, Queen Maud Land, Mozambique, Rodinia}, @article{fitzsimons00, Author = {Fitzsimons, I.C.W.}, Title = {{A review of tectonic events in the East Antarctic Shield and their implications for Gondwana and earlier supercontinents}}, Journal = {Journal of African Earth Sciences}, Volume = {31}, Number = {1}, Pages = {3--23}, Year = {2000} } %Keywords = {thermal modeling, strain softening, ductile shear zone, strain localization, shear heating}, @article{fleitout79, Author = {Fleitout, L. and Froidevaux, C.}, Title = {{Thermal and mechanical evolution of shear zones}}, Journal = {Journal of Structural Geology}, Volume = {2}, Number = {1/2}, Pages = {159--164}, Year = {1979} } %Keywords = {gps, geodetic, kodiak, alaska, shumagin, decollement, coupling}, @article{fletcher01, Author = {Fletcher, Hilary J. and Beavan, John and Freymueller, Jeffrey T. and Gilbert, Lewis}, Title = {{High interseismic coupling of the Alaska subduction zone SW of Kodiak Island inferred from GPS data}}, Journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, Volume = {28}, Number = {3}, Pages = {443--446}, Year = {2001} } %Keywords = {continental crust, oceanic crust, velocity model, aleutians, alaska}, @article{fliedner00, Author = {Fliedner, Moritz M. and Klemperer, Simon L.}, Title = {{Crustal structure transition from oceanic arc to continental arc, eastern Aleutian Islands and Alaska Peninsula}}, Journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, Volume = {179}, Pages = {567--579}, Year = {2000} } @article{florke76, Author = {Fl\"orke, O. 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Hsein Juang}, Title = {Shear modulus and damping ratio characteristics of gravelly deposits}, Journal = {Canadian Geotechnical Journal}, Volume = {37}, Number = {3}, Pages = {638--651}, Year = {2000} } %Keywords = {s-c fabrics, gouge, cataclasis, nojima fault, japan, breccia, pseudotachylyte, strike-slip, mylonite, microshears, shear bands}, @article{lin01a, Author = {Lin, Aiming}, Title = {{S-C fabrics developed in cataclastic rocks from the Nojima fault zone, Japan and their implications for tectonic history}}, Journal = {Journal of Structural Geology}, Volume = {23}, Pages = {1167--1178}, Year = {2001} } %Keywords = {frictional fusion, landslide, taiwan, chi-chi, pseudotachylyte, microstructures, xrd, glass content}, @article{lin01b, Author = {Lin, Aiming and Chen, Allen and Liau, Ching-Fei and Lee, Chyi-Tyi and Lin, Chuan-Chia and Lin, Po-Shen and Wen, Shu-Ching and Ouchi, Toru}, Title = {{Frictional fusion due to coseismic landsliding during the 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) ML 7.3 earthquake}}, Journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, Volume = {28}, Number = {20}, Pages = {4011--4014}, Year = {2001} } %Keywords = {pseudotachylyte, mylonite, brittle-ductile, cataclasite, ultramylonite, deep crust}, @article{lin05, Author = {Lin, Aiming and Maruyama, Tadashi and Aaron, Stallard and Michibayashi, Katsuyoshi and Camacho, Alfredo and Kano, Ken-ichi}, Title = {{Propagation of seismic slip from brittle to ductile crust: Evidence from pseudotachylyte of the Woodroffe thrust, central Australia}}, Journal = {Tectonophysics}, Volume = {402}, Pages = {21--35}, Year = {2005} } @article{lin08, Author = {Aiming Lin}, Title = {{Seismic slip in the lower crust inferred from granulite-related pseudotachylyte in the Woodroffe Thrust, central Australia}}, Journal = {Pure and Applied Geophysics}, Volume = {165}, Pages = {215--233}, Year = {2008} } @book{lin08book, Author = {Aiming Lin}, Title = {Fossil Earthquakes: The Formation and Preservation of Pseudotachylytes}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences}, Volume = {111}, Pages = {348}, Year = {2008} } @article{lin11, Author = {Aiming Lin}, Title = {{Seismic slip recorded by fluidized ultracataclastic veins formed in a coseismic shear zone during the 2008 M$_W$ 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake}}, Journal = {Geology}, Volume = {39}, Pages = {547--550}, Note = {{doi: 10.1130/G32065.1}}, Year = {2011} } @article{lin13, Author = {Weiren Lin and Marianne Conin and J. 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Brown}, Title = {{Transcrystalline shear fracturing and pseudotachylyte generation in a meta-anorthosite (Harris, Scotland)}}, Journal = {Journal of Structural Geology}, Volume = {4}, Number = {4}, Pages = {395--406}, Year = {1982} } %Keywords = {pseudotachylyte, frictional melt, texture, crushing, veins}, @article{macaudiere85, Author = {Macaudiere, Jean and Brown, William L. and Ohnnstetter, Daniel}, Title = {{Microcrystalline textures resulting from rapid crystallization in a pseudotachylite melt in a meta-anorthosite}}, Journal = {Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology}, Volume = {89}, Pages = {39--51}, Year = {1985} } %Keywords = {remote sensing, cold seep, chemosynthetic communities, Landsat}, @incollection{macdonald96, Author = {MacDonald, Ian R. and Reilly, J. F., Jr. and Best, S. E. and Venkataramaiah, R. and Sassen, R. and Guinasso, N. L. 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H. and Ogawa, Y. and Blum, P. and Bahr, J. M.}, Volume = {156}, Publisher = {Scientific Results}, Pages = {279--292}, Year = {1997} } @article{mambane11, Author = {Mambane, P. W. and Hein, K. A. A. and Twemlow, S. G. and Manzi M. S. 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Barry and Scholz, C. H.}, Title = {{Frictional behavior and constitutive modeling of simulated fault gouge}}, Journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, Volume = {95}, Number = {B5}, Pages = {7007--7025}, Year = {1990} } %Keywords = {friction, faulting, rock physics, earthquake cycle, gouge}, @article{marone98, Author = {Marone, Chrisb}, Title = {{Laboratory-derived friction laws and their application to seismic faulting}}, Journal = {Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science}, Volume = {26}, Pages = {643--696}, Year = {1998} } %Keywords = {friction, quartz, velocity weakening, shear heating, stress drop}, @article{marone04, Author = {Marone, Chris}, Title = {{Faults greased at high speed}}, Journal = {Nature}, Volume = {427}, Pages = {405--406}, Year = {2004} } %Keywords = {friction, experiments, minerals, gouge, fluids, strain rate}, @article{marone05, Author = {Marone, Chris and Saffer, Demian and McKiernan, Alexander Wells and Rowe, Christie D. and Samuelson, John}, Title = {{Friction Constitutive Properties of Fault Zone Materials}}, Journal = {Eos Transactions AGU}, Volume = {86(52)}, Number = {Fall Meet. 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McG.}, Publisher = {Geological Society of South Africa}, Pages = {199-207}, Year = {1983} } %Keywords = {fluid flow, fluid inclusions, isotopes, dolomite, cement, veining, Monterey Fm.}, @article{martin02, Author = {Martin, Jonathan B. and Rymerson, Richard A.}, Title = {{A coupled fluid-inclusion and stable isotope record of paleofluids in the Monterey Formation, California}}, Journal = {Geological Society of America Bulletin}, Volume = {114}, Number = {3}, Pages = {269--280}, Year = {2002} } @article{martinelli04, Author = {Martinelli, Giovanni and Plescia, Paolo}, Title = {{Mechanochemical dissociation of calcium carbonate: laboratory data and relation to natural emissions of CO$_2$}}, Journal = {Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors}, Volume = {142}, Pages = {205--214}, Year = {2004} } %Keywords = {dewatering, slab, fluid flow, metasomatism, mantle wedge, lawsonite, melt}, @article{maruyama07, Author = {Maruyama, Shigenori and Okamoto, Kazuaki}, Title = {{Water transportation from the subducting slab into the mantle transition zone}}, Journal = {Gondwana Research}, Volume = {11}, Pages = {148--165}, Year = {2007} } %Keywords = {frictional heating, thermal pressurization, earthquakes, hydrology}, @article{mase87, Author = {Mase, Charles W. and Smith, Leslie}, Title = {{Effects of frictional heating on the thermal, hydrologic, and mechanical response of a fault}}, Journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, Volume = {92}, Number = {7}, Pages = {6249--6272}, Year = {1987} } @techreport{mastin00, Author = {L. 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D.}, Title = {{Yakutat collision and strain transfer across the northern Canadian Cordillera}}, Journal = {Geology}, Volume = {30}, Number = {6}, Pages = {495--498}, Year = {2002} } @phdthesis{mbangula04, Author = {Mbangula, Ndawedapo}, Title = {{Characterisation of provenance and tectonic setting of source rock for the Tygerberg Formation, on Robben Island}}, Type = {{BSc Honours}}, School = {University of Cape Town}, Year = {2004} } %Keywords = {diffusive mass transfer, microstructure, petrography, metasomatism}, @article{mccaig90, Author = {McCaig, Andrew M. and Knipe, Robert J.}, Title = {{Mass-transport mechanisms in deforming rocks: Recognition using microstructural and microchemical criteria}}, Journal = {Geology}, Volume = {18}, Pages = {824--827}, Year = {1990} } %Keywords = {kodiak, fossils, trace fossils, invertbrates, ichnofossil, annelid, Kodiak Formation, flysch}, @article{mccann88, Author = {McCann, Tommy and Pickerill, Ron K.}, Title = {{Flysch trace fossils from the Cretaceous Kodiak Formation of Alaska}}, Journal = {Journal of Paleontology}, Volume = {62}, Number = {3}, Pages = {330--348}, Year = {1988} } %Keywords = {Kodiak Formation, sedimentology}, @article{mccann91, Author = {McCann, Tommy and Pickerill, Ron K.}, Title = {{Petrology and provenance of the Cretaceous Kodiak Formation, Alaska}}, Journal = {Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences}, Volume = {29}, Pages = {373--377}, Year = {1991} } %Keywords = {cordillera, Rockies, Idaho, accreted terranes, strike-slip}, @article{mcclelland07, Author = {McClelland, W. 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D.}, Title = {{Stress and Strain: Basic Concepts of Continuum Mechanics for Geologists, 4th edition}}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Pages = {339}, Year = {1976} } %Keywords = {gender, school, secondary, primary, motivation}, @article{meece06, Author = {Meece, Judith L. and Glienke, Beverly Bower and Burg, Samantha}, Title = {{Gender and motivation}}, Journal = {Journal of School Psychology}, Volume = {44}, Number = {5}, Pages = {351--373}, Year = {2006} } %Keywords = {gondwana, Pan African, east african orogeny, mozambique belt, brasiliano orogeny, Kuunga orogeny}, @article{meert97, Author = {Meert, Joseph G. and Van der Voo, Rob}, Title = {{The assembly of Gondwana 800-500Ma}}, Journal = {J. 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N. and Snee, L. W. and Lanphere, M. A.}, Title = {{Metamorphic and structural history of continental crust at a Mesozoic collisional margin, the Ruby terrane, central Alaska}}, Journal = {Journal of Metamorphic Geology}, Volume = {13}, Pages = {25--40}, Year = {1995} } @incollection{roeske03, Author = {Roeske, S. M. and Snee, L. W. and Pavlis, T. L.}, Title = {{Dextral-slip reactivation of an arc-forearc boundary during Late Cretaceous-Early Eocene oblique convergence in the northern Cordillera: geology of a transpressional orogen developed during ridge-trench interaction along the north Pacific margin}}, BookTitle = {Geology of a transpressional orogen developed during ridge-trench interaction along the North Pacific margin}, Editor = {Sisson, Virginia B. and Roeske, Sarah M. and Pavlis, Terry L.}, Publisher = {Geological Society of America Special Paper}, Volume = {371}, Pages = {141--170}, Year = {2003} } @article{roigsilva04, Author = {Roig Silva, C. and D. L. 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P. }, Title = {{Seismes Artificiels}}, Journal = {Tectonophysics}, Volume = {9}, Pages = {215--238}, Year = {1970} } %Keywords = {kodiak, aseismic-seismic transition, Ghost Rocks, Sitkalidak}, @article{roweagu02, Author = {Rowe, Christen D. and Thompson, Eric and Moore, J. Casey}, Title = {{Contrasts in faulting and veining across the aseismic to seismic transition, Kodiak Accretionary Complex, Alaska}}, Journal = {EOS Trans. AGU}, Volume = {83}, Number = {47}, Pages = {Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T21A-1060}, Year = {2002} } %Keywords = {kodiak, silica, quartz mobility}, @article{rowegsa03, Author = {Rowe, Christen D. and Moore, J. Casey}, Title = {{The upper aseismic to seismic transition: A silica cementation threshold}}, Journal = {Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America Fall Meeting}, Volume = {35}, Number = {6}, Year = {2003} } %Keywords = {silica, pressure solution, quartz mobility, fluid inclusions}, @article{roweagu03, Author = {Rowe, Christen D. and Moore, J. Casey}, Title = {{The upper aseismic to seismic transition: A silica mobility threshold}}, Journal = {EOS Transactions (Fall Meeting Supplement)}, Volume = {84 (46)}, Number = {Abstract T41E-02}, Year = {2003} } %Keywords = {kodiak, pseudotachylyte, accretionary wedge, cataclasite, ultracataclasite, subduction thrust, ghost rocks, melange}, @article{rowe05, Author = {Rowe, Christen D. and Moore, J. Casey and Meneghini, Francesca and McKiernan, Alexander Wells}, Title = {{Large-scale pseudotachylytes and fluidized cataclasites from an ancient subduction thrust fault}}, Journal = {Geology}, Volume = {33}, Number = {12}, Pages = {937--940}, Year = {2005} } @article{roweagu06, Author = {Rowe, Christen D. and Moore, J. Casey and Meneghini, Francesca and Yamaguchi, Asuka and Tsutsumi, Akito}, Title = {{Structural context of the massive ultrafine fault rocks (possible pseudotachylytes) at Kodiak Island, Alaska, USA}}, Journal = {EOS Trans. 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Theron}}, Journal = {South African Journal of Geology}, Volume = {114}, Number = {1}, Pages = {95--102}, Year = {2011}, Note = {{doi: 10.2110/gssajg.114.1.95}} } %Keywords = {pseudotachylyte, cataclasis, fluid flow, decollement, accretionary wedge, paleoseismicity, cleavage, melange, structure, xrd}, @incollection{rowe11b, Author = {Rowe, Christie D. and Meneghini, Francesca and Moore, J. Casey }, Title = {{Textural record of the seismic cycle: Strain rate variation in an ancient subduction thrust}}, Booktitle = {{Geology of the Earthquake Source: A Volume in Honour of Richard Sibson}}, Publisher = {Journal of the Geological Society Special Publication}, City = {London}, Volume = {359}, Pages = {77--95}, Year = {2011} } @article{rowenaukluft1, Author = {Rowe, Christen D. and Miller, Jodie A. and Backeberg, Nils R. and Sylvester, Fernando Y. G. and Mapani, Ben and Faber, Carly}, Title = {{Structure and setting of the Naukluft Thrust, basal detachment to the Naukluft Nappe Complex, central Namibia}}, Journal = {intended for Gondwana Research}, Year = {in prep} } @article{rowe12a, Author = {Rowe, Christie D. and Kirkpatrick, James D. and Brodsky, Emily E.}, Title = {Fault rock injections record paleo-earthquakes}, Journal = {Earth \& Planetary Science Letters}, Volume = {335-336}, Pages = {154--166}, Year = {2012} } @article{rowe12b, Author = {Rowe, Christie D. and $\AA$ke Fagereng and Jodie A. Miller and Ben Mapani}, Title = {{Signature of coseismic decarbonation in dolomite fault rocks of the Naukluft Thrust, Namibia}}, Journal = {Earth \& Planetary Science Letters}, Volume = {333-334}, Pages = {200-210}, Year = {2012} } @article{rowe13a, Author = {Rowe, Christie D. and Moore, J. 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C.}, Title = {{On the sedimentation of the Table Mountain Group in the Western Cape Province}}, School = {University of Stellenbosch}, Type = {{Doctorate of Science}}, Pages = {110}, Year = {1967} } @incollection{rust81, Author = {I. C. Rust}, Title = {{Early Paleozoic Pakhuis Tillite, South Africa}}, Booktitle = {{Earth's pre-Pleistocene glacial record}}, Editor = {M. J. Hambrey and W. B. Harland}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Pages = {113--117}, Year = {1981} } @article{rutter76, Author = {E. H. Rutter and D. Elliott}, Title = {The kinetics of rock deformation by pressure solution [and discussion]}, Journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London A}, Volume = {283}, Pages = {203--219}, Note = {{doi:10.108/rsta1976.0079}}, Year = {1976} } @article{rutter83, Author = {E. H. 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