Terrestrial Planets
Winter 2018

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  Discussion Topics






Professor:       Olivia Jensen     ( course e-mail      web service     short bio )  
TAs: Duncan, John, Becky, Shane, Rowan, Clara
Section 001 CRN 8453
Time: Tuesday & Thursday 14h35-15h55 (Jan 09, 2018 - Apr 12, 2018 except Study Break: March 5-9, 2018)
Place:  STBIO S1/4D (Stewart Biology Building)
Audio/Video files (current sessions): http://lrs.mcgill.ca/ListRecordings.aspx?CourseID=18267
Audio/Video files (2017 sessions): http://lrs.mcgill.ca/ListRecordings.aspx?CourseID=15030  

For March 28, 2018: I have been assigned to moderate a discussion during the “Women in Science” lecture on March 28. I cannot attend this discussion period. I shall ask three TAs to give a short presentation on their research in lieu of this discussion. What topics would you like? Mineral exploration?, volcanology?, seismology?, hydrology?, climate change? Your TAs cover these topics for their Ph.D. Research.

February 28, 2018: Brodie wanted to discuss climate change and especially the Younger Dryas cooling period. I suggest that we also look into Milankovic cycles on Earth and Mars. For Mars, I link to a PowerPoint presentation by Peter Read of Oxford U. I don't have sound so we shall have to interpret his slides ourselves based on the images.

For a paleo-record of temperature through the Pleistocene: http://www.stratigraphy.org/index.php/ics-chart-timescale

Are any of you missing here?

Burgoyne, Sierra

Callahan-Auger, Griffin

Ciquier, Lucas

Clark, Adam

Colvin, Brodie

Gallois, Martin

Gammie, James

Needham, Dharana

Oliveira, Katarina

Ostin, Sigi

Trabelsi, Zein

Wang, Darcy

January 31, 2018: Today, following Darcy Wang's interest in the cosmological story of the Big Bang, we shall discuss the Lamda-CDM Concordance Model of the evolving Universe with particular attention to Alan Guth's Inflationary Big Bang Model. I list some shortYouTube videos related to our discussion: Cosmic Inflation Explained, How Cosmic Inflation Flattened the Universe ,The Many Worlds of the Quantum Multiverse , Alan Guth Explains Inflation Theory, Cosmic Inflation. You might explore YouTube videos with keywords [ Inflation, Cosmology, Alan Guth, Lawrence Krauss ]






  Discussion Topics

© Olivia Jensen, McGill University
Images: Courtesy © NASA/JPL

Concept:: Witold Ciolkiewicz
updated: 22/08/12 17:17:58