Hydrothermal Geochemistry GroupMcGill University, Earth and Planetary Sciences |
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Prof. A.E. Williams-Jones A.E. (Willy) Williams-Jones My research is devoted mainly to understanding the genesis of hydrothermal mineral deposits through a combination of field-based, experimental and theoretical methods. Many such deposits form as a result of metal transport by hydrothermal fluids and subsequent precipitation in response to changes in physico-chemical conditions. Important objectives are thus to determine the nature of these fluids, to identify factors that control their ability to dissolve metals, and to establish mechanisms which cause deposition. Research Staff, Post-docs and Visiting Scientists Jim Clark My current research interests include the mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis of Archean gold deposits, epithermal and porphyry-related mineralization, and active geothermal systems. I’m also involved in the development of exploration tools such as alteration zoning pattern recognition and indicator minerals for hydrothermal ore deposits. Recently, I've begun working on the metallogeny of lithium mineralization. Outside McGill, I hold the position of Geologist (Research Services) with Aurum Exploration (Canada) Ltd.
![]() Jianping Li Post-Doc jianping.li2@mail.mcgill.ca My research activities include hydrothermal experiments, geochemical modeling, and field-based work. My interests focus on understanding the alteration and mineralization processes of hydrothermal ore deposits, including porphyry copper and iron oxide Cu-Au (IOCG) deposits. My current research project concerns the behavior of Sb, In and Sn in vapors relevant to ore formation. Duncan McLeish The Brucejack property in the Stewart-Eskay Creek district of NW British Columbia is host to one of the highest grade and best exposed intermediate sulphidation epithermal gold deposits in the world. My research is focused on: (1) elucidating the origin of high-grade gold mineralisation at Brucejack by characterising the ore and associated hydrothermal alteration; (2) determining the composition of the mineralising fluids; and (3) reconstructing the physicochemical conditions that controlled mineralisation through thermodynamic analysis and testing plausible models of ore formation. ![]() Kirsten Rempel Research Associate kirsten.rempel@mcgill.ca My research concerns the experimental geochemistry of metal transport and speciation in aqueous and organic ore fluids, and the metal partitioning between coexisting aqueous and organic fluids. Other interests include metal transport in colloidal or nanoparticulate forms, as well as the thermodynamic modelling of metal transport and ore deposition. ![]() Olga Vasyukova I focus on the mechanisms that favour enrichment of HFSE (mostly REE) in melts and fluids associated with granites and pegmatites, particularly through the use of melt and fluid inclusions, which are the only direct source of physical and chemical conditions at the time of entrapment. The other tools include high temperature hydrothermal experiments and thermodynamic modelling. ![]() Anna Volynets Wei Zheng My research focuses on understanding the ore-forming processes
and enrichment mechanisms of porphyry-epithermal copper,
polymetallic and lode gold deposits through mineralogical and
geochemical methods, and high-precision dating of hydrothermal
minerals. I am also interested in the formation of rare metal
deposits. Visiting Scholar (China University of Geosciences, Wuhan) bo.zu@mcgill.ca My research focuses on the orogenic/intrusion-related Au-Sb and porphyry/skarn Cu-Au deposits in the Tianshan belt, extending from Xinjiang to Central Asia. On the basis of field and lab based observations, I use novel geochemistry and isotopic tools to track the hydrothermal processes responsible for alteration patterns and metal precipitation. In particular, I plan to develop insights into the behavior of Cu and Au in hydrothermal fluids to gain a better understanding of the formation of orogenic gold deposits. Ph.D. Students Sarah Bodeving Kiera Broda My thesis research focuses on the role of hydrothermal alteration
in the formation of Alaskan-type ultramafic-hosted Ni-Co sulfide
mineralization at the Turnagain deposit in northern British
Columbia. This will be accomplished by thorough optical and
scanning electron microscope examinations to identify sulfide
textures and types, which will be followed by quantitative
microprobe and isotopic analyses. ![]() Ph.D. Student robert.collar@mail.mcgill.ca My research focuses on understanding the hydrothermal processes that concentrate cobalt in the crust to form ore deposits. In particular, I’m interested in the nebulous five-element vein-type deposits, best represented by those at Bou Azzer, Morocco, as well as sediment-hosted stratiform Cu-Co deposits, such as those in the Central African Copperbelt of Zambia and the DRC. To investigate the processes that form such deposits, I am collecting thermodynamic data for Co-bearing mineral phases, with the goal of constructing geochemical models for the genesis of these deposits. My research interests revolve around rare earth element (REE) mineralization in iron-oxide-apatite (IOA)- and iron-oxide-copper-gold (IOCG)-type deposits. Specifically, I study the Kwyjibo deposit, a REE-enriched IOA system located in the Grenville Province, NE of Sept-îles, Québec. My research aims to understand the REE enrichment and history of mineralization of the deposit and to compare it to other IOA districts around the world. The potential for economically important REE concentrations combined with the enigmatic origin of these deposits makes this an exciting field of research.
Kevin Ng
My current research focuses on geochemical and related studies of the epithermal Au-Ag Brucejack deposit in northern British Columbia, Canada. I am also interested in the investigation of REE sorption mechanisms and ore-forming controls in the genesis of regolith-hosted HREE deposits in South China
![]() Evan Slater Ph.D. Student evan.slater@mail.mcgill.ca Currently I am studying the gold metallogeny in the NW Abitibi, Quebec, with a focus on the recently discovered Fenelon gold system. The project is multi-disciplinary using structural observations and sound geological fundamentals to constrain and interpret geochemical and fluid inclusion data. ![]() Ph.D. Student lone.tiong@mail.mcgill.ca My research concerns the petrogenesis of the Crater Lake Sc-REE deposit in northern Quebec. It is an alkaline ring-dyke system consist of syenite and ferro-syenite (up to 800 ppm Sc), intruded into the Mistastin Batholith of the Nain Plutonic Suite. My methodology will focus on petrography, major and trace element geochemistry, melt inclusions, and isotopic studies. ![]() Antoine Vigné Ph.D. Student antoine.vigne@mail.mcgill.ca My research interests concern the petrogenesis and geochemistry of LCT pegmatites. I am currently working on the Moblan Li deposit in James Bay region of Quebec, and my field and laboratory studies will focus on improving our understanding of the genesis of LCT pegmatites, as well as the development of exploration tools for these strategic metal deposits. M.Sc. Students ![]() M.Sc. Student javier.bustamantepablos@mail.mcgill.ca My research centers on the genesis of pegmatite-hosted lithium deposits in Quebec's James Bay region. Through geological mapping and sampling, core logging and detailed petrographic and other laboratory analyses, I aim to elucidate the geological processes responsible for the formation of these deposits.
Jérémie Coté My research interests revolve around economic geology problems and mineral exploration. I focus primarily on critical and rare metals deposits for which a strong supply/demand imbalance exists or is expected in the future.
![]() Andres Felipe Garcia Salamanca M.Sc. Student andres.f.garcia@mail.mcgill.ca My research focuses on
the petrogenesis of the Adina LCT-pegmatite in the James Bay
region of Quebec. I aim to better understand the deposit through
geochemical, alteration and textural relationships, using
core-logging data, and petrographic and lithogeochemical methods.
The results will be used to evaluate processes that led to the
enrichment of the LCT minerals that formed the deposit, and will
improve our understanding of the controls on LCT pegmatite
mineralization in the region. ![]() Elisa Johnson
My research is focused on the hydrothermal and magmatic processes that lead to LCT enrichment in pegmatites, and I am also interested in the genesis of carbonatite-hosted niobium deposits. My goal is to contribute to our general understanding of how these deposits form and to provide insight for their exploration.
My research explores
orogenic gold mineralization at the Martinière deposit, Quebec,
emphasizing the geochemistry of alteration processes. By
integrating core logging and detailed petrographic analyses, I
investigate the structural controls, alteration patterns, and
fluid dynamics driving gold deposition. This approach enhances the
understanding of orogenic gold systems and supports the
exploration and development of these valuable resources. B.Sc. Students (none current) Graduates and Former Group Members 2024 Escobar. A., Tech. Experimental metal solubility under oxidizing conditions Fung, G., M.Sc. Hydrothermal rare earth element (REE)-enrichment in an iron-oxide-apatite (IOA)-type deposit at Kwyjibo, Québec, Canada: A fluid inclusion and stable isotope study Liang, P., Visiting Scholar (University of Science and Technology Beijing) Enrichment mechanisms of REE in carbonatite-hosted (Bayan Obo, Inner Mongolia) and phosphorite deposits (Kunyang, Yunnan; Kaiyang, Guizhou) Fuller, K., M.Sc. An experimental study of the solubility and speciation of uranium(IV) in reduced fluoride-bearing solutions Wang, J., PDF (CAGS Beijing) The geochemical behavior of REE, Sc, Ge and Sn in aqueous liquids 2023 Henderson, K., Ph.D. Extreme metal enrichment in Middle Devonian black shales of the Richardson Trough, Yukon, Canada: an integrated mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic study 2022 McLeish, D., Ph.D. The nature and origin of the bonanza-grade Brucejack epithermal Au-Ag deposit, northwestern British Columbia Nisbet, H., Ph.D. The thermodynamic behavior of thorium and the rare earth elements (REE) in hydrothermal solutions Nkansa, P., M.Sc. Constraints on the genesis of the Kibi-Gold Project deposits in the Kibi-Winneba Belt, Ghana Schultz, C., B.Sc. Experimental dissolution of pyrochlore and the leaching of Nb Zheng, H., Ph.D. (CAS-Guangzhou) Ore genesis of the super-large Huayangchuan U-Nb-REE polymetallic deposit: comprehensive constraints from mineral characteristics 2021 Beland, C., Ph.D. The contrasting geochemical behaviour of Sc and the other REE as exemplified by the Crater Lake and Ashram deposits, Québec, Canada Saucier, E., B.Sc. Petrogenesis of alkaline obsidian-like dykes in the E. African Rift, Kenya Wasserlauf, J., B.Sc. Sulfide mineralogy of the Draa Sfar Zn-Pb VMS deposit, Morocco 2020 Degao, Z., Visiting Scientist (CUG Beijing) Experimental investigation of vanadium solubility in liquid hydrocarbons Drouin, P., M.Sc. The Black Dog prospect, Québec, Canada: a rare example of Archean tourmaline breccia-hosted Au-Cu mineralization Qi, N., Ph.D. (Peking) Genesis of the Leimengou porphyry Mo deposit, East Qinling Orogen, N. China Sanz-Robinson, J., Ph.D. An experimental investigation of the potential role of liquid hydrocarbons as ore fluids for sediment-hosted ore deposits 2019 Laycock, E., M.Sc. Alteration mapping, mineral trace element chemistry, and sulphur isotopes: implications for gold mineralisation at the Snowfield Au-Cu porphyry deposit in NW British Columbia Li, M.Y.H., Ph.D. (Hong Kong) Origin of regolith-hosted HREE deposits in South China Li, S., B.Sc. REE mineralization and metasomatism of carbonate/oxide facies BIF's Shang, L., Visiting Scientist (CAS, Guiyang) Molybdenum speciation in NaCl-H2O fluids Wang, J., Ph.D. (CUG Beijing) Mechanisms of scandium enrichment and mineralization in fluoride-bearing hydrothermal solutions Wang, X, Post-doc Solubility and speciation of tungsten in NaCl-bearing aqueous solutions, and the metallogeny of W deposits in China Zhang, B., visiting Ph.D. student (Peking) Metallogenic study of the Axi gold deposit in western Tianshan, Xinjiang, China 2018 Gaillard, N., Ph.D. The lithogeochemical and mineral-chemical alteration footprints of the Canadian Malartic gold deposit, Québec: Implications for ore-vectoring in metamorphic terranes Qui, J.W., Ph.D. (Hong Kong) The origin of the late Paleozoic Dajiangping sedex-type pyrite deposit in southeastern China Timofeev, A., Ph.D. The solubility, speciation, and transport of the high field strength elements (HFSE), Nb, Ta, and U Yuan, S., Visiting Scientist (Inst. Mineral Res., CAS Beijing) Metallogeny of tungsten and tin deposits in southern China 2017 Casselman, J., B.Sc. Li-pegmatite mineralization at Separation Rapids, Ontario Rosadiuk, K., Post-doc Speciation of metals in crude oils Siegel, K., Ph.D. The origin and magmatic evolution of the REE-rich Strange Lake A-type peralkaline granite, northern Québec-Labrador, Canada Sofonio, K., B.Sc. Nano-particulate tungsten in cassiterite from San Rafael, Peru Zheng, L., Ph.D. (CUG Beijing) Origin of niobium mineralization in the Bonga carbonatite, Angola 2016 Libbey, R.B., Ph.D. Exposing the geometry of large-scale geothermal hydrology by lithogeochemical, mineral-chemical, and petrographic methods Moller, V., Ph.D. The nature and origin of the Nechalacho rare metal deposit (REE, Nb, Zr), Northwest Territories, Canada Nisbet, H., B.Sc. Cassiterite mineralization at the San Rafael tin deposit, Peru Vasyukova, O., Post-doc REE-related melt inclusions at Strange Lake, Quebec 2015 Bodeving, S., M.Sc. Petrogenesis of the Lofdal Intrusive Suite: Implications for rare earth elements mineralisation Chua, Z., Post-doc Speciation of metals in crude oils Fuchs, S., Ph.D. The role of hydrocarbons in the Witwatersrand gold and uranium deposits, and the genesis of the Witwatersrand-style Black Reef deposits, South Africa Grandillo, E., B.Sc. Petrology of the Lugin Gol gold-iron skarn, Mongolia MacWilliam, K., M.Sc. The geochemistry of albitisation in the Nechalacho Layered alkaline complex, Northwest Territories, Canada Sugiyama, I., M.Sc. Metal transport by oil: application to ore genesis 2014 Gysi, A., Post-doc Modelling of hydrothermal alteration and REE mineralization Hurtig, N., Ph.D. Metal transport in aqueous low- and intermediate-density fluids during decompression and cooling in magmatic-hydrothermal systems Migdisov, A., Res. Assoc. (Los Alamos N.L.) Experimental aqueous geochemistry Pare, P.-A., B.Sc. Mineralogy of the Mountain Pass REE deposit, California Pearce, K., B.Sc. Solubility of zinc in hydrocarbon liquids Trofanenko, J., M.Sc. The nature and origin of the REE mineralization in the Wicheeda Carbonatite, British Columbia, Canada 2013 Nekrasov, S., Ph.D. (Moscow State) Solubility studies of gallium and aluminum in hydrothermal fluids 2012 Berryman, E., M.Sc. Carbonation of steel slag Bourque, N., B.Sc. Solubility of ytterbium and related elements at elevated temperatures Brosseau-Liard, A., M.Sc. The nature and origin of REE and associated rare metal mineralization in the B-zone at Strange Lake, Québec del Greco, K., B.Sc. Petrology of recent silicate bombs from Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Tanzania Helt, K., M.Sc. The Canadian Malartic deposit: an example of oxidized, intrusion-related gold mineralization in the Abitibi greenstone belt, Québec, Canada King, J., M.Sc. Vapour-dominated high-sulphidation epithermal Au-Ag systems: geology, alteration and mineralization of the hypogene Au (Ag-Cu) Bowone and Binebase deposits, Sangihe Island, Indonesia Loges, A., Ph.D. (Tubingen) Solubility of yttrium in fluoride-bearing solutions Petrella, L., M.Sc. The nature and origin of REE mineralization in the Misery syenitic intrusion, northern Québec, Canada Scher, S., M.Sc. Fumarolic activity, acid-sulfate alteration and high-sulfidation epithermal precious metal mineralization in the crater of Kawah Ijen volcano (Java, Indonesia) Sugiyama, I., B.Sc. Solubility of palladium in hydrocarbon liquids Timofiev, A., B.Sc. Nature of gallium mineralization at the Thor Lake REE deposit, NWT Wildau, A., M.Sc. (Leipzig) Mineralogy of the Bon Accord NiO deposit, South Africa 2011 Bourque, N., Tech. Mineralogical and geochemical studies of hydrothermal systems Kleiman, A., B.Sc. Solubility of zinc in aqueous vapour Nadeau, O., Ph.D. The behaviour of base metals in arc-type magmatic-hydrothermal systems – insights from Merapi volcano, Indonesia 2010 Berlo, K., Res. Assoc. Gases and alteration at Kawah Ijen volcano, Indonesia Berryman, E., B.Sc. CO2 sequestration in Ca-orthosilicate slag Castillo, M., M.Sc. (Toulouse) Mineralogy of the Rossing uranium deposit, Namibia Gagnon, C., B.Sc. Geochemistry of Archean gold deposits Generoux, C.-A., B.Sc. Fumerole and alteration studies at Ijen volcano, Indonesia Sasseville, C., Post-doc Hyperspectral imaging of hydrothermal alteration Sheard, E.R., M.Sc. Behaviour of zirconium, niobium, yttrium and the rare earth elements in the Thor Lake rare-metal deposit, Northwest Territories, Canada van Hinsberg, V., Post-doc Thermodynamic and experimental modelling of the behaviour of REE in natural systems Zezin, D., Ph.D. The solubility of gold in water-hydrogen sulphide vapours: An experimental study 2009 Bourgault, M.-A., Tech. Alteration at the Canadian Malartic gold deposit, Quebec Harlap, A., Tech. Experimental modelling of CO2 sequestration in slag Heiligmann, M., Post-doc Genesis of REE mineralization at Thor Lake, NWT Robidoux, P., B.Sc. Acid alteration at Kawah Ijen dome, Indonesia 2008 Gilbert, C., B.Sc. Gas-metal transport at Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Tanzania Harlap, A., M.Sc. Alteration and ammonium enrichment vectors to low-sulphidation epithermal mineralization: insights from the Banderas gold-silver prospect Klein, K., B.Sc. Mineralization and alteration at the Balmat zinc mine, New York Rempel, K.U., Ph.D. The solubility and speciation of molybdenum in aqueous liquid and vapour: An experimental study 2007 Cambpell, M., Tech. Metal solubilities in fluids and gases Dolansky, L.M., M.Sc. Controls on the genesis of hydrothermal cobalt mineralization: insights from the mineralogy and geochemistry of the Bou Azzer deposits, Morocco Hartzler, J., M.Sc. The geological exploration of kimberlitic rocks in Quebec Karimi, B., Tech. Geochemistry of iron ores Rough, M., Tech. Fluid chemistry of emerald deposits, Colombia 2006 Fu, O., Tech Metal solubilities in volcanic gases Gagnon, J.V., Ph.D. Genesis of hydrothermal HFSE mineral deposits: Evidence from laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) 2005 Burniaux, P., B.Sc. Fluid evolution at the Imiter Ag-Hg deposit, Morocco Heiligmann, M., Ph.D. Genesis and metamorphism of the Hemlo gold deposit, Ontario Mlynarczyk, M.S.J., Ph.D. Constraints on the genesis of lode-style tin mineralization: evidence from the San Rafael tin-copper deposit, Peru Robert, G., B.Sc. Paragenesis of the Agoudal cobalt deposit, Morocco 2004 Ault, K.M., Ph.D. Geochemistry, physiochemical controls, and genesis of the El Mochito Zn-Pb-Ag skarn-hosted deposit, Honduras Harlap, A., B.Sc. Clay alteration and related epithermal mineralization in Guatemala Meidener, M.M., Ph.D. (J. Gutenberg) The solubility of metallic mercury in toluene Neilson, S., B.Sc. Mineralogy of the Rossing U deposit, Namibia Rempel, K.U., M.Sc. The solubility and speciation of molybdenum in water vapour at elevated temperatures and pressures: implications for ore genesis Vigouroux, N., B.Sc. Chemistry of melt inclusions from Reunion volcano 2003 Chouinard, A., Ph.D. The geology and geochemistry of the high-sulfidation Au-Ag-Cu Pascua deposit, Chile-Argentina Raymond, J., B.Sc. Origin of gold-bearing scales at the Berlin geothermal field, El Salvador Schatz, O., M.Sc. Experimental investigation of boron partitioning among melt, brine and vapor in the system haplogranite-H2O-NaCl at 800ºC and 100 MPa Wagner, T., Post-doc Magmatism and gold-tin-tungsten mineralization 2002 Archibald, S.M., Ph.D. The role of vapour in the transport and deposition of metals in ore-forming systems Beheshti, P., Tech. Experimental fluid-rock interaction and sulfate interaction Migdisov, A., Post-doc Experimental aqueous geochemistry Wright, C., M.Sc. Geology and lithogeochemistry of the Chester Group and hydrothermal sediments of the Swayze greenstone belt, Superior province, Ontario 2001 Goodman, S., Res. Assoc. Origin of the Troilus gold-copper deposit, Quebec Grondin, O., M.Sc. Controls on gold mineralization at the Onaman prospect, northwestern Ontario Normand, C., Ph.D. Experimental and field investigations of serpentinization and rodingitization 2000 Carles, P., M.Sc. Constraints on the genesis of the Archean Troilus gold-copper deposit, Quebec 1999 Barnes, N., B.Sc. Role of geology in gold mine equity analysis Kranidotidis, P., Res. Assist. Fluid-inclusion microthermometry of hydrothermal ore deposits Olivo, G., Post-doc Genesis of Archean Au deposits Sakoma, E., Res. Assist. Nature of asbestiform minerals at the Jeffrey mine, Quebec Smuk, K., M.Sc. Metallogeny of epithermal gold and base metal veins of the southern Dawson Range, Yukon Xiao, Z., Ph.D. Experimental and theoretical studies of the solubility of copper in liquid and vapor in the system NaCl-HCl-H2O 1998 Marr, R., Ph.D. An investigation of zirconium and titanium-bearing alkali aluminosilicate glasses: solubility experiments, Raman spectroscopy and sodium-23 nuclear magnetic resonance analyses Palmer, D.A., Ph.D. The evolution of carbonatite melts and their aqueous fluids: Evidence from Amba Dongar, India and Phalaborwa, South Africa 1997 Hezarkhani, A., Ph.D. Physicochemical controls on alteration and copper mineralization in the Sungun porphyry copper deposit, Iran 1996 Halter, W., Ph.D. Physicochemical controls on greisen formation and cassiterite deposition at the East Kemptville tin deposit, Nova Scotia Gammons, C., Post-doc Solubility and speciation of gold in hydrothermal fluids at elevated temperatures 1995 Mulja, T., Ph.D. Magmatic and hydrothermal processes in rare-element granite-pegmatite systems: the Preissac-Lacorne batholith, Québec, Canada 1994 Palmer, D., M.Sc. Geology and geochemistry of the Amba Dongar carbonatite-hosted fluorite deposit, India Stefanini, B., Ph.D. The Calabona porphyry copper deposit, northwest Sardinia Salvi, S., Ph.D. Magma degassing and wall-rock alteration in the rare metal-rich peralkaline granite at Strange Lake, Québec/Labrador 1993 Fournier, A., M.Sc. Magmatic and hydrothermal controls of LREE mineralization of the St.-Honoré carbonatite, Québec Thiersch, P., M.Sc. Mineralization and ore controls of the Shasta Ag-Au deposit, Toodoggone River area, British Columbia 1992 Mountain, B.M., Ph.D. Fluid-rock interaction paths: Natural and experimental examples Vard, E., Redpath Fluid inclusions in vug minerals in dawsonite-altered phonolite sills, Montréal, Québec: Implications for HFSE mobility 1991 Guillimette, N., M.Sc. Geology and geochemistry of the Ixtahuacan Sb-W deposits, northwestern Guatemala Linnen, R.L., Ph.D. Contrasting styles of Sn-W mineralization in western Thailand 1990 Khositanont, S., M.Sc. The genesis of the Sn-W deposits at Samoeng mine, Thailand Salvi, S., M.Sc. A fluid inclusion study of calcium metasomatism and Zr-Y-REE-Nb-Be mineralization in peralkaline granite at Strange Lake, Labrador-Quebec 1989 Ferriera, D., B.Sc. Fluid inclusion studies and the origin of cupriferous calc-silicate hornfelses at Patapedia, Québec Samson, I., Post-doc Fluid inclusion geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits Taner, H., M.Sc. The nature, origin and physicochemical controls of hydrothermal Mo-Bi mineralization in the Cadillac and Pressiac deposits, Québec 1987 Cattalani, S., M.Sc. A fluid inclusion and stable isotope study of the St. Robert W-Ag-Bi vein deposit, Eastern Townships, Québec 1986 Stevens, K., M.Sc. Fluid inclusion and geological studies on the zinc lead copper vein system and Lemieux dome, Gaspé, Québec 1985 Linnen, R.L., M.Sc. Contact metamorphism, wall rock alteration, and mineralization at the Trout Lake stockwork molybdenum deposit, southeastern British Columbia Nast, H.J., M.Sc. The geology and petrochemistry of the Sisson Brook W Cu Mo deposit, New Brunswick van Bosse, J., M.Sc. Metamorphism and alteration in the contact aureole of the McGerrigle Mountains pluton, Gaspé, Québec 1984 Davis, W., B.Sc. A fluid inclusion study of the porphyry‑greisen, tungsten‑molybdenum deposit at Mount Pleasant, New Brunswick, Canada Sawiuk, M.J., M.Sc. The nature and origin of Pre Helikian stratabound uranium mineralization at Karpinka Lake, Saskatchewan 1982 Duba, D., M.Sc. The application of illite crystallinity, organic matter reflectance and isotopic techniques to the exploration of sedimentary hosted hydrothermal ore deposits |
© Hydrothermal Geochemistry Group - Earth & Planetary Sciences - McGill University / issues: jc@eps.mcgill.ca |