Introductory Mineralogy EPSC210 (Fall Term 2008)


Lecturer: Jeanne Paquette ( Office: FDA 214. Phone: 398-4402.

Teaching assistants:        Jonathan O’Neill <>

                                                Fraser Keppie   <>

                                                Christoph Helo <>

Course timetable:

  Lectures                   11h30-12h30, Tuesday & Thursday, FDA 211.

  Laboratories            14h30-17h30, Thursday or Friday (your choice), FDA 211.

I. Course objectives:

  1) relate the principles of crystal chemistry & structure to properties of minerals

  2) learn the concepts of mineral classification

  3) develop identification skills from observation of common minerals in hand specimens

II. Grading:

  Assignments (4), lab reports (2): 20%    Laboratory exams (three): 30%

  Mid-term exam: 0-20%                              Final exam : 30 % (50% if better than mid-term) 

III. Textbook (at the McGill Bookstore):

 "Introduction to Mineralogy" by W.D. Nesse (2000). Oxford University Press.

IV. Compulsory lab fee ($5). Other material, highly recommended for mineral identification:

  Hand lens 10x ($6), magnet ($7), streak plate ($1), acid bottle ($2): sold as kit for $15;

  pocket knife (optional, not provided). Total: $20 (cash only).

V. McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offenses under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (see for more information).


L’université McGill attache une haute importance à l’honnêteté académique. Il incombe par conséquent à tous les étudiants de comprendre ce que l’on entend par tricherie, plagiat et autres infractions académiques, ainsi que les conséquences que peuvent avoir de telles actions, selon le Code de conduite de l’étudiant et des procédures disciplinaires (pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez consulter le site


VI. Assignments, tests and exams can be written in either English or in French.


VII. Course Plan (25 lectures):

- Definition of minerals and crystals

- Principles of crystallography        crystal morphology, symmetry operations, lattice symmetry,

                                                            point/space groups, Miller notation of crystal forms, faces

- Aspects of crystal growth from solutions & melts     habit, structural defects, twinning

- Methods of crystal structure determination     powder and single-crystal X-ray diffraction

- Chemical bonding in crystal structures     covalent, ionic, metallic, hydrogen, VdW bonding,

                                                            coordination polyhedra, Pauling's rules

- Effect of temperature and pressure on crystal structure exsolution, order-disorder,

                                                            polymorphic (displacive-reconstructive) transformations

  MIDTERM EXAM (50 min., on Tuesday October 14, during our regular class time)

- Principles of mineral classification     chemical formulas of minerals, solid solutions


VII. Course Plan (continued):

- Compositional diagrams and recalculation of formulas

- Structure and properties of main mineral groups      silicates, native elements, sulfides,                                                          oxides, hydroxides, halides, carbonates, sulfates, phosphates

- Introduction to phase diagrams   exsolution, order-disorder, equilibrium vs. fractional crystallization

  FINAL EXAM (3 hrs - scheduled during final exam period, in December 2008, TBA)


VIII. Laboratory Exercises:

- Week 1) Overview of physical properties of minerals (report required)

- Week 2) Crystallography: point groups and crystal morphology (report required)

- Mineral identification from hand specimens, introduction to some optical properties

- Three laboratory tests on mineral identification (Oct. 2-3, Oct. 30-31, and Nov. 27-28)


VII.  Optional Week-End Field Trip to Bancroft area, Ontario (Oct. date to be confirmed)